April 3, 2013 | By: Cynthia Marcano

Review: Dandelions On The Wind by Mona Hodgson

Title - Dandelions On The Wind
Author - Mona Hodgson
120 pages
Time It Took for to Read - 4 Days
Rating - 3.5 out of 5 Stars

Set in the midwest, Mona Hodgson, takes a simple young lady, a simple farm and a simple family through tough times and great loves.

When Maren arrived in the USA she never expected she would become live in nanny and helper to young Gabi and Mrs. Brantenberg. Destiny placed in this simple place where loves abounds and she grows an attachment, but that doesn't stop her heart from wanting to return to her family.

When Wooly unexpectedly returns from war, he surprises them all and is surprised himself to find a live in nanny for a daughter that he does not know.

What I Loved...
This was short and sweet.

What I liked...
Mrs. Brantenberg seemed so real to me and I could picture her clearly as if I may have known her.

I can't quite pinpoint why this book wasn't a homerun for me. I love romance novels and I think because its a novella I didn't get enough romance out of it. I like being strung along in my romance books.


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